Our society encourages everyone to enjoy gardening – whether you love your garden or allotment or just want to hear all about horticulture at our talks

Our members benefit from regular talks and a quarterly bulletin, two annual shows and use of our trading shed. 

Upcoming Events

The Trading Shed (in the allotments at the bottom of Oakley Road) is open every Saturday morning from 10-11:30am for the sale
of seed potatoes, onion sets and all the compost and things you need to start the new growing season.

Our most event was our Spring Show on Saturday 23rd March 2024.  We were really excited to see exhibits of daffodils, tulips and other spring flowers.  For details of the show (who won and some photos) please see our Spring Show page /spring-show.

Our next talk is  on Wednesday 19th June with Gillian Taylot telling us all about her "Greenhouse Year".  The talk is at Caversham Baptist church hall and doors open at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.  Free to members, £3 for non-members, refreshments will also be available.

We're looking forward now to our Autumn Show on Saturday 31st August.  The new show schedule is available for download from the website and will be delivered to members in early June with the new bulletin.

Contact us

If you'd like to join us

Come to the trading shed on a saturday morning (from Feb to OCt 10-11:30am)
Call our membership secretary on 0118 947 0510